Bisma Asif Full-Stack Development Engineer

Bisma has expanded her skills and is now a full-stack developer, proficient in both front-end and back-end development. She leverages her expertise to create seamless web interfaces for the Build-a-Care portal, integrating them with backend web services and databases. Bisma’s comprehensive understanding of the entire development process allows her to deliver a holistic and optimized user experience.

I collaborate in:

  • Anticoagulation therapy with Warfarin and INR monitoring


    Approximately 2 million people in the U.S. who are prescribed warfarin annually, 35,000 to 45,000 individuals go to hospital emergency rooms with warfarin-related adverse drug events. Build-a-Care app provides INR test result scheduling, INR test result reviewing, Warfarin dose adjustment and alerts

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Other Team Members

  • M. Ali Nasim

    CEO, Ephlux | Connected Enterprise | Customer Experience | Strategist & Technologist

    Ali is a ‘connected enterprise’, ‘customer experience’ and 'low-code no-code' thought leader...

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  • Umair Ahmed

    Product Manager | Solution Architect

    Umair brings 11 years of deep solution architecture experience esp. for HealthTech platforms across...

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  • Mayera Tufail

    Clinical Lead | MBBS

    Mayera is following her path as an MPH candidate at UGM, specializing in public health informatics...

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  • Syeda Fatima Raza

    Digital Health Analyst | MBBS

    Dr. Syeda Fatima Raza is a Medical Doctor and Research Associate with a focus on digital health....

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  • Afshan Akhtar

    Product Outbound Lead | MBBS

    Afshan has strong experience with digital health programs and apps. Afshan's agility and can-do...

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  • Bisma Asif

    Full-Stack Development Engineer

    Bisma has expanded her skills and is now a full-stack developer, proficient in both front-end and...

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  • Muhammad Awais

    Sr. Product Development Lead

    Awais brings years of rich experience developing IoT and ML driven patient experience and value...

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