Medical home for treatment of congenital heart disease

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“Approximately 40,000 births per year in the United States are affected by congenital heart disease [1].”
This leads to increased demand for continuous, comprehensive and coordinated care. With Build-a-Care, a holistic care model is adopted which allows for personalized and timely care.
- Engagement of multidisciplinary teams
- Continuous closed loop communication
- Care pathways developed using internationally standardized guidelines for multiple congenital heart conditions
cardiac Quality of Life
hospital admissions
school attendance
Become a Collaborator
Join us as a collaborator on this program to save lives. You can participate as a clinical collaborator or an investor to scale this program globally across heart centers.
- As a clinical collaborator, you can run pilots or implement this program with your patients in your clinic and heart center. Ideally, you would be a cardiologist, a thoracic surgeon or any care provider who is responsible for medical home program.
- As an investor, you can become a stakeholder in this program as we scale this across heart centers and clinics across the globe.